
Remora Restorations is an offshoot of Remora Service Group, a London based property services company, established in 2012

Specialist, experienced team,
delivering excellence

Technicians are hired after an extensive vetting and multi-stage interview process, that is only the beginning; professional development is a constant cycle of training, investment, and the search for the latest and most effective technologies available globally.

Technicians are extensively trained, working alongside an experienced operator over a range of jobs. We thewn send them for a 1 area of specialised training whether that is drying, flood/fire technician, or trauma focused. It takes approximately 6 months to operate unsupervised.

In over 90% of cases last year, we were able to offer a technician within 12 hours of receiving a call, and in many cases we responded in under 2 hours, thanks to our central London location.

Ongoing investment in state of the art kit, whether protective or technical has enabled us to provide excellent service to clients.

Our bookings

A step-by-step process

1Client contacts the office, we request photos/videos, and arrange a site visit.
2A technician visits the property to carry out a site survey (if not emergency), or for urgent requirements this step is skipped.
3An estimate is provided to the client with a clear breakdown of works required and costings.
4Work is carried out in accordance with our estimate, with the office being continually updated by the technicians on site.
5Clients are kept up-to-date throughout, inc. moisture readings, ATP readings, thermal images as datapoints.

An ethical employer

As a business, Remora recognises that it’s employees are a key stakeholder in everything it does, and as such we invest in them by training, development, and by paying class leading wages.

Environmental standards

ESG is so much more than just a box tick at Remora. We run a modern fleet, use the latest and most efficient equipment, and aim to be net-zero by 2025.

Remora Restorations’ sister company, Remora Cleaning, specialises in End of Tenancy, soft furnishing, and carpet cleaning services. Remora’s specialist cleaning technicians can be brought in to assist with restoration claims and cleans.

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